New Release:
Dry Grass
Author: Robert Letters
Publication Date: June 18, 2024
Tanka, the 31 syllable (or Japanese on) poetic form is well suited for a wide range of concise, emotional expressions in English.
we were lying
on the bank
in dry grass
the summer night
hiding us
This collection contains tanka selected from Robert Letters’ previous collections, as well as new, previously unpublished poems. The poems explore passion, memory, and mystery in an extended meditation on a long, evolving relationship.
do you remember
the dry grass
against our skin
in the field behind the house
after they all fell asleep
Coming Soon:
Between Will And Abandonment
Author: Robert Letters
Publication Date: Coming Soon
This book is for anyone who seeks to develop a personal spiritual practice. It takes the form of a Florilegium, a collection of passages drawn from spiritual reading. Literally “a gathering of flowers,” this Florilegium is a spiritual nursery from which each reader can create a unique garden. It grows out of Robert Letters’ personal notebook, developed over the years as he created his own practice. He writes:
In this book I speak to myself as I try to do better, to improve, to raise my imperfect independent practice to a higher level.
But now I also speak to you, whoever you are, who might have picked up this small notebook. After all, I suspect there is not much difference between us.
Available Now:
Choking The Moon
Author: Robert Letters
Publication Date: April 16, 2024
climbing the maple
choking the moon
This collection is true to the traditional Japanese form, yet pushes English language haiku and senryu into new and unexplored territory.
"# 1 New Release in Haiku and Japanese poetry!"
-On Amazon
Featured Book:
Come and Live: Selected Work of Elsie Fitzsimons Hale
Author: Elsie Fitzsimons Hale
Editor: Elizabeth Hale
Publication Date: May 1, 2021
Elsie Fitzsimons Hale’s work was inspired by fundamental things: her love of nature and the outdoors, her spiritual faith, and her devotion to marriage and family. Built on the foundation of these themes, poetry became a way of life for her – a means to express her joy of living and her faith in God. Her poems give us a record of a mystical practice of daily spiritual celebration.
The vision of life that is reflected in her poems is especially useful and necessary at this moment. It speaks of positivity, faith, and gratitude rather than grievance and anger. It celebrates the good, the natural, the simple things. Most of all, it reminds us of the virtue of courage in the face of the misfortunes and tragedies that befall us.